Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cleanse/Detox day 7

OK, so I dropped the ball. So sue me! Yesterday was Day 7, and I'm generally feeling pretty good, save for the little upper respiratory bug I've contracted. The juice only thing didn't work out so well: the hunger was too much for me. I've been eating SUPER healthy, though, when I do eat, and been a lot more aware of my portions. Those were really my main goals. Right now I'm focusing more on a detoxifying diet, meaning implementation of only detoxifying foods.

It's been a very informative process, especially dealing with cravings for certain foods (specifically fried or fattening ones!). I've had a couple other cleanses recommended to me which I'll look into. The best lesson of all, really, is how to consume a healthy, non-toxic diet every day, and that's most important.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're the awesomest! I need to do a cleanse too... and falling off the wagon on such a hard venture is expected, I think... it's quite a mind game.... mind over matter is HARD!

and I still read your blogs, by the way.... =)