Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's that time again....

So, 2008 was definitely the year of infinite possibilities, as I'd mentioned, well, a year ago. I suppose every year is: I just thought it was cool to flip the 8 over on its side, et voilĂ , an infinity sign! Many good things happened this year, for myself and for the world. Many not-so-good things happened as well, though if you subscribe to the old Freddy N. quote "That which does not kill us makes us stronger," then let's just say there are a mighty lot of strong people out there right now.

A very dear friend just sent me a little article reminding us to set intentions for the New Year, rather than resolutions. I like that idea: it can keep us pointed in the right direction, while not having to remain attached or in any way adherent to the way anything "ought to be."

I had already written a similar list on a previous blog, which ended up introducing me to an interesting anonymous character from the vast reaches of the internet. If s/he is still paying attention, it'll be interesting to find out what their take on it is.

My intentions (which I may add to later) for 2009 are:

1. To consistently approach things from a purely positive angle first
2. To bring more mindfulness to everything I do, from communication to brushing my teeth to breathing
3. To live in gratitude
4. To cultivate compassion (especially for myself)
5. To allow myself to let go more
6. To be more forgiving (especially of myself)

I wish everyone happiness, love, peace, and true greatness in 2009.


Anonymous said...

No comments thus far? Well then: Happy New Year for I have nothing snarky to say at this time.

Stay black.

V.V.D said...

Its been a while since I perused this seems you can claim the same.... you should digitally insert tumbleweeds....