Sunday, March 21, 2010

Raw for 7 days (day 2: 3/21/10)

Went to bed late, so was feeling tired, but this food is refreshing and I just feel so much better eating it instead of some of the processed junk I'm used to. Not that what I eat is all horrible, mind you: I don't eat fast food (save for the occasional French fry or the like), I don't eat bread (save for rice bread or any offered gluten-free alternative), I eat no animal products (*sometimes*, like once a year, I allow onion rings! They have gluten, too, so this is very bad!), and I don't consume much processed sugar. I think I consume enough processed foods, like corn chips, to warrant an overhaul, at least temporarily. For much of the colder months, I was craving more cooked, rich foods, and though I still ate some raw fruits and veg, a lot of what I was consuming was processed, cooked, or both. I could feel the unhealthiness of many of the things I ate. So now I'm focusing on feeling the healthiness!

I think today I'm feeling a little hungrier than normal, but I'm not glutting myself, so I am OK with that for now.

Here's what I had:

1/2 cup combo of frozen pomegranate seeds and wild blueberries
handful raw almonds
1/2 grapefruit

"Cherry Pie" Larabar

organic Fuji apple (small)

2 "Rawcos" (see entry for 3/20)

2 oz. GoRaw "spicy flax snax"

large tossed "Caesar" salad:
-organic Romaine lettuce
-avocado dressing (avocado, water, lemon juice, olive oil, flax oil, pink salt, black pepper, cayenne)
-Brazil nut parmesan (Brazil nuts, garlic, pink salt)
-Lydia's Organics green crackers (as croutons)
-organic mixed tomatoes

(The salad was a slight variation, though it mostly adhered to a recipe. It was absolutely heavenly! I thought about adding avocado slices, though since the dressing has a lot of avocado already, I am actually very glad I didn't. This was a simple, delicious meal to make, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.)

Kefira living greens drink


Unknown said...

I love the Larabar's. Ronny now buys a box from Whole Foods. A packaged item with only 2-3 ingredients, wonderful idea. I am bad with breakfast, well breakfast items are usually so bad for you. So the bar helps get my day started so I don't skip a meal.

You look wonderful and hopefully we can see each other 4th of July.


Melanee said...

Thank you, lady! I really hope to see you guys this summer, too!

I agree, Larabars are fantastic-- and with so many flavors available, they don't get boring. I'm glad they exist, too; I mean, they are indeed quite simple, so yes I could pit my own dates and carry them along with other dried fruits and nuts, but it is nice to have them as an easy option. It's hard to get going in the morning!